After a long pregnancy on Saturday November 15th I began having contractions, nothing to strong or regular so I just went on with my day as normal. Sunday rolled around and just another day doing the same thing. Sunday night they began to become more intense and kept me up all night, early Monday morning around 6 am I went into the hospital thinking it was time. They evaluated me and I was only 1 cm and 7o% effaced, to say the least I was devastated. I couldn't do another day my body was just getting so tired. All day Monday I was having contractions they didn't seem much better, honestly it just felt like severe menstrual cramps (I know TMI). I even worked some from home on Monday and participated in a phone meeting. Tuesday morning about 4 am I had enough, even though the contractions were still not too regular and contractions weren't bad I decided to go back in. My thoughts were well maybe they will at least give me pain medication again so I can take a nap. We got there around 5 am and I was 6 cm dilated and totally ready to go. They admitted me and started me on the IV so I could get an epidural. The next few hours went pretty well, Matt, my mom, step mom, and mother in law were all there while I was waiting to be 10 cm (my mom and Matt were the only ones there for the actual birth). About 8:30 or 9:00 the midwife came in and noticed the baby was facing sideways and tried to rotate her. As she did this the babies heart rate dropped to 70 bpm, the midwife stopped what she was doing, moved me to my side, and gave me oxygen. I was so scared and remember it felt like forever. They inserted a monitor into the babies head and soon her heart rate was back up to normal. I know it was only a half hour or so but it seemed like the longest time waiting for her heart rate to normal out. At about 10:00 am I was 10 cm and ready to push. I pushed about 3 or 4 times and she just wasn't moving down, I then threw up and the next push she was almost out. The nurse ran to get the midwife and about 2 pushes later she was out. She was so wide eyed from the moment she was born. The picture below was taken just a few minutes after she was born.
11 years ago
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